the blue room

guess you wonder; whats with the title..well its kinda youve might guessed it: my room is blue..but as most of us are, we do spend a lot of our time in our rest, to do some school stuff, to hang around or just like have a place where i can be alone and think about almost everything...

Friday, September 24, 2004

how do you "blog"?

on blogging and other blogging related activities

since most people right now are into blogging (which i think btw is a very very efficient replacement for a diary/journal and a very good form of outlet)--ive been thinking: how do people blog? i mean not just about posting and question is that--im sure just as every blogs template is different from one follows that of course peoples habit of blogging is also different..

so what is your blog habit?

on posting....

how do you post??--how regularly do you post??--what are the subjects/things that you usually post about? me, for example: i try to post at least once a week or whenever my deranged mind comes up with a crazy idea or if something happened to me or to someone that really stands out or worth discussing..or whatevers my mood at the moment.. do you guys make a post?--do you make a draft out of your idea and then post..or simply just type me, i admit; im not grammatically sound when it comes to sometimes i usually edit my post like 2-3 times after posting it here, changing grammatical errors and all (being somewhat an OC freak haha)--but ill make an exception on this one--so, spare me ok =P
on bloghopping and comments....

i read a post by my friend chigo ('stig blog mo bro=) recently about bloghopping and i totally agree with what he said..reading blogs kinda makes you connnected with that makes you get to know the person a bit better even though you dont see or be in each others company..bloghopping is really worth your time, you really can learn a thing or two....'stig ang bloghopping..

and for the comments...i find it cool making comments..espcially when you can really relate to the post..lalo na pag parang "i wish i had written that one" or "you really nailed it" that kinda thing..

so there...'la lang...just another one of those crazy ideas =)

Thursday, September 16, 2004


yup,its not my day today . aside from the impending defense (heaven help my group!), the upcoming finals, and a car accident earlier this morning (thank god im ok- but my parents are gonna kill me..not my fault though); things are really going a-ok for me [ yeah i wish!=( ] Man, i dont want to sound pessimistic and whine about it but i really feel that it im really really unlucky right now. today wasnt filled with the same minor problems that you encounter each day. its more like BAM! BAM! BAM!.. you havent solved your current problem, next thing you know, the next problem is thrown right at you--and not just at you but right smack into your face, not even giving you a chance to stand up..and im not taking about the easy ones, im talking about damn hard ones..sorta like dilemmas that keeps on piling up and your buried underneath..

Today was really different..felt like the "higher-ups" are really against me. No, the "gods" are not just frowning at me; they are fuming really mad-- the throwing fireballs and lightnings kinda mad..Right now i really want to be angry at whoever is in charge right now of faith/destiny or whatever you call it.. I wanted to ask "why do these things happen to me"(WHY!?), but right now im really drained to even think about it..i shoulda stayed under a rock or something if knew it would be like this..if knew that this would happen..

since most of us have encountered this: i bet all of us had an off day once or a couple of times before in our lives--ill ask a question:

"what do you do/think/say when you have an off day?"

=> got something in mind to write today but as to what just happened ..ill save it for my next post =P
i guess it was my turn to have an off day...malas lang

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


as much as my minds been kinda blank these past few weeks..suddenly i find myself thinking awfully a lot these past days..thinking about where i am in my life right know doing sorta like a systems check.. i guess its the time of year aside from new year when we look back at our lives and ponder about whats gonna happen ahead...yep, its gonna be my birthday=P

man, im turning 22..but why do i still have a mind of a 5 YEAR OLD... aargh! i dont wanna go old!!..kidding aside, i don't think ive changed a bit..although these past couple of days im starting to scare myself by thinking way ahead.. im starting to worry where i will be 3-4 years from now; what my life will be down the road; starting here til i reach the big 3-0(yikes!)..the questions keeps piling up like "what will i do after college", "will i be able to quickly land a job after i graduate and if i did what would it be?"..."will i be married? will i have kids?" stuff like that..
where do you think youll be 3-4 years from now?? what are the things you want to do or accomplish before you reach 30?
scared as hell...

ive also realized that the real/business world can really be scary. of course i already knew that from the stories and the experiences ive heard from other people back then, but i really never have thought about it,thinking that it will take a long time before i get there..and now that im on the edge, it feels like jumping from a very high place and you dont know where you'll land-- it really scares the hell out of me..after i graduate, it would be a whole new world out there; that the once comfortable feeling that i have in college will disappear,that my once reliable and dependable safety net will be gone for good.. but just as how scared i am, my excitement equals it..i cant wait to get out there and show them what ive got; what im made of..especially to those who doubted in me, to those who thought i can never make it..

in conclusion

after all the thinking and the flashbacks (sounds like a movie) ive realized something; that my whole life has always been a big catch-22 (pasok ba?? hehe) seriously though that no matter how perfect or ok i thought everything would be, something always pops out and ruin it..that i always encounter a situation that will make whatever i want impossible..that when i really really like something/someone, theres always like this huge problem---like a big obstacle before it.. in short, it never was a smooth sailing for me (arent we all??) not whining, na realize ko lang (ang slow ko talaga)..yeah i know, that the problems will make the person/thing that i wanted much more worth it, that thats whats makes life so beautiful..but then again hey its just me kaya anlabo..malabo talaga ako =)
btw does anyone know blog html?? coz i kinda have a prob sidebar page seems to be too far down, tried a lot of stuff but to no avail..kindly appreciate your help..
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