the blue room

guess you wonder; whats with the title..well its kinda youve might guessed it: my room is blue..but as most of us are, we do spend a lot of our time in our rest, to do some school stuff, to hang around or just like have a place where i can be alone and think about almost everything...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

judging a book...

--man, what a way to have a "bloggers block"..still cant think of something interesting

*pardon me---rant mode on*

i know its so cliche but i cant help to ask myself why are there people who judge you with just the way you look..they take one look at you and right then and there youve been judged.. that no matter how hard you try to make contact with them..its no use--they've already put up some invisible barrier that you cant get through..some are even "nicer"--they will let you talk like a line or 2 but when they start questions like where do you live or what school youre from which i admit mine isnt that good--you suddenly get the reaction that youre one dumb person--its like youre being discriminated because of it.. its kinda see it on their faces when they got their answer--their smiles turn into "oh's" and the next minute you know theyre like "nice to meet you" and brush you off--..i dont want to sound like a cry baby and whine about it but i dont know it just hits me right there..hey,no worries! im already used to that type of reaction (or should i say rejection)..its just sad to think that you like to make friends with someone and they turn you down because of that--because they think youre no good =(

if only those people knew...hate to admit but i used to be like that before--a very judgemental person..but having to experience it being on the other side made me realize how stupid i was...some of the interesting people i know dont have the looks to be on a glossy magazine nor do they have a superior IQ..but when you talk to them--hearing all their stories, experiences and the life's knowledge that they have--you really get to learn a lot..much more than having to listen to a seminar or talking to someone who claims to be "intelligent".. so the next time you meet someone--give that person a chance--dont judge quickly--who knows maybe he/she is much more a better person than you are..

*rant mode off*

ojt update

so far, after 10 days of on- the- job training (85 hours down 215 to go) ive discovered a thing or two when it comes to interacting with lots of people..being lucky to work at the hrd and at the recruitment division at had helped me lot in dealing with my shyness and had gained some confidence in communicating with others..its fun and at the same time it drives me nuts--but im loving it..

btw most of the people i work with are pscyh major and man, they really can get crazy sometimes (sometimes i think that they're the ones that needs help--i know i know im getting judgemental once again =P)--but after quite awhile--i cant blame them..the stuff they do for a living can really drive someone insane..have a great week everyone..hope all of you are having a blast this summer...

random ?..
(thank you mr.kong for the short story)

"there were two men thrown into a dungeon..both of them looked up--one saw the BARS while the other one saw the STARS"...which of them are you??
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